Incorporated Management Committee

CUHKFAA Chan Chun Ha Secondary School

Sponsoring Body Managers and Independent Managers of Incorporated Management Committee (IMC) (1-2024)




Honorary Chairperson

Dr. Cheung Huen Cheong
  • Medal of Honour of The HKSAR
  • Honorary Fellow of CUHK
  • Honorary Senior Fellow of Chartered Insurance Institute
  • Chairperson of our founding Management Committee
  • Permanent Honorary President of The Alumni Association of United College, CUHK

Honorary School Manager

Mr. Lee Kam Chung

  • Honorary Fellow of CUHK
  • HKSAR Medal of Honor
  • Founder Supervisor of our school
  • Vice Chairperson of Hong Kong Senior Education Workers’ Association Ltd.

Honorary School Manager

Mr. Ho Man Sum

  • Honorary Fellow of CUHK
  • Trustee of United College, CUHK
  • Manager of CUHKFAA Education Foundation
  • Trustee, Dominic Savio Education

Honorary School Manager

Mr. Lau Sai Yung

  • Honorary Fellow of CUHK
  • Chairman of CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation
  • Overseer of The Sunny College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the affiliates fellow
  • Former School Supervisor of our school

Honorary Academic Advisor

Prof. Leung Seung Ming

  • Chairperson of Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals
  • Professor of Department of Educational Psychology, CUHK
  • Fomer Dean, Faculty of Education, CUHK
  • Former School Supervisor

Sponsoring Body Manager / Supervisor

Dr. Lai Auyeung Yu wing

  • Manager & Honorary Secretary, The Education Foundation Of The Federation Of The Alumni Associations Of CUHK
  • Former Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, HKU
  • Director of Save the Children

Sponsoring Body Manager

Prof. Sit Hui Ping

  • Chairperson and Professor of Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, CUHK
  • Committee member of the Curriculum Development Council, Education Bureau
  • Vice Convener of Student Sports Activities Co-ordinating Sub-committee, Home Affairs Department
  • Specialist of Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications
  • Chairperson, International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity

Sponsoring Body Manager

Dr. Cheung Chak Chung

  • Associate Provost (Digital Learning), City University of Hong Kong
  • Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong;
  • Director of CityU Architecture Lab for Arithmetic and Security & Director of CityU Apps Lab.

Sponsoring Body Manager

Ms. Lui Po Ling

  • Former College Secretary of United College, CUHK.

Sponsoring Body Manager

Ms. Cheung Wang Yim

  • Director, Communications and Public Relations Office
  • Experienced Media Professional and Journalist

Sponsoring Body Manager

Mr. Liu Kin Wa

  • Chairman of Chung Chi College Alumni Association, CUHK
  • Trustee, Chung Chi College Alumni Association

Sponsoring Body Manager

Mr. Leung Wing Yee

  • Executive Director of CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation
  • Part-time Lecturer of the MA in Social Service Management programme, CUHK
  • Co-founder of Gravity Capital Partners Company Limited
  • Executive Manager of Hong Kong Impact Data Consortium Chain Limited

Sponsoring Body Manager

Ms. Zhu Yong Xue

  • Former Deputy Operating Director and Managing Director of Road King Infrastructure Limited
  • Former Executive Director of Road King Infrastructure Limited

Alternate Sponsoring Body Manager

Mr. Wan Shiu Kee

  • Treasurer of The Alumni Association of New Asia College, CUHK
  • Treasurer of CUHKFAA Education Foundation
  • Manager of CUHKFAA Thomas Cheung School
  • Manager of CUHKFAA Thomas Cheung Kindergarten

Sponsoring Body Manager

Prof. Poon Ming Kay

  • Professor of Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, mentor of PhD students
  • The honorary researcher in The Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts of the Institute of Chinese Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • The Associate Master and Dean of General Education of Wu Yee Sun College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Member of the Committee on Chinese Language Education of Curriculum Development Council
  • Professor Poon was awarded the The Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award Scheme of The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Independent Manager

Prof. Tam Tin Lok Timothy

  • Adjunct Professor of Faculty of Science and Technology (THEi)
  • Chariperson, The Education Foundation Of The Federation Of The Alumni Associations Of CUHK
  • Supervisor of CUHKFAA Thomas Cheung Kindergarten
  • Chief Executive cum Consultant of Board of Trustees, Ling Nam Medicine Factory
  • Advisory Committee of The Chinese Medicine Development Fund, Health Bureau

Independent Manager

Mr. Lee Ming Kwai

  • Former Commissioner of Police
  • Honorary Fellowship of CUHK, HKMU and Lingnan University
  • Member elected by the Board from the community at large, New Asia College, CUHK
  • Executive Director of Hong Kong Institute for Public Administration

Ex-officio Manager / Principal

Ms. Ho Suk Yin

  • Member in the executive committee of Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council
  • Committee Member of HKEAA Advisory Committee on Basic Competency Assessment

Parent Manager

Ms. Yik Wing Man

  • Chairperson of the 13th Parent and Teacher Association

Alternate Parent Manager

Lam Mung Chu


Teacher Manager

Ms. Leung Wing Nga

  • Head of School Development and Management Committee, Subject Coordinator of Chinese Literature

Alternate Teacher Manager

Ms. Yu Yat Loi

  • Head of Student Development Committee

Alumni Manager

Wong Wai Ho

  • Graduate in 2016 (Honest 6) , Former House-captain of Harmony House