Our alumni are awarded academic awards by College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University

Our alumni Chan Ho Fung, Lam Ho Kwan, Lau Chung Long, Li Chak Fai and Yeung Sze Ki are awarded Dean's List, and Yu Hiu Nam is awarded President's Honour Roll by College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University. Congratulations!

Our alumni Chan Lok Tung, Ho Kong Ha and Liu Ka Ying are awarded academic awards by Hong Kong Baptist University

Our alumni Chan Lok Tung and Liu Ka Ying are awarded Dean's List, and Ho Kong Ha is awarded President's Honour Roll by Hong Kong Baptist University. Congratulations!

Our alumnus Jackson Shih is awarded Dean's List and Scholarship by HKUST

Our alumnus Jackson Shih is awarded Dean's List and Scholarship by the School of Business and Management at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Congratulations!

2019-2020 S.6 Visual Arts Graduation Exhibition

S.6 Visual Arts Graduation Exhibition 2019-2020 was successfully held on 24th October, 2020. The theme of the exhibition was "Dawn" and artwork pieces including paintings, 3D models, mixed media and installation of our 14 Visual Art students were shown there.

Congratulations to Yuen Asher Hei Yau to receive the "CUHKFAA Scholarship"

Congratulations to Yuen Asher Hei Yau (Courageous 6), the awardee of the "CUHKFAA Scholarship" to credit her outstanding performance in both academic and service aspects. We are honoured to have Mr. Ngai Man Fu, the chairperson of CUHKFAA, and Mr. Ng Yuen Hing, our school supervisor, to present the award to Yuen Asher Hei Yau.

S.1 Putonghua Story Telling Competition

本校於二零二零年十月二十二日舉行中一級普通話講故事比賽。中一級同學踴躍參與,氣氛熱烈。 冠軍 一智  鄭姿臨亞軍 一勇  林卓菲 季軍 一明  容鳳儀 優異獎 一智:  劉柏言 一勇:  李海慈 一忠:  黎犖欣 一忠:  李柏雨 一誠:  陳綽妍 一誠:  何倩因 一明:  吳若米婭

Training of Supervisor, managers and management personnel of our school

We are honoured to have invited Mr. William Yip Kam-yuen to conduct a training workshop on the topic “School-based Management and Law” for our supervisor, school managers and the school management personnel on 17th October, 2020. All the participants benefited from such a rewarding experience.

Wong Lok Yee (Wise Four) won the Bronze and Poet of the School Awards in the 2019-2020 Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Awards

Wong Lok Yee (Wise Four) won the Bronze and Poet of the School Awards in the 2019-2020 Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Awards organized by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education in March. Congratulations!

CNEC Lau Wing Sang Secondary School Visited Our School

Principal, Dr. Lam Tat Ho with ten of his teachers from CNEC Lau Wing Sang Secondary School came to our school on June 23 for professional development. Our teachers and the guests visited Charles Kuen Kao Future Class-room, LT1 & LT2 and the school library. Principal Ms. Ho Suk Yin and Assistant Principal Mr. Lo Wing Yip were very pleased to share opinions about our school development during the meeting afterwards. At the end of the day, we joyfully took a photo in front of the waterfall of our school.

Interview by TVB Pearl Magazine

Teachers and students from CCHfeatured in Pearl Magazine on TVB Pearl(2020-03-16), introducing how we helped our students achieve ‘Suspending Classes without Suspending Learning’. http://news.tvb.com/programmes/pearlmagazine/5e6f3289335d19a52c9920a8/Learning-To-Adapt–Good-Times-Roll (starting from 10:45)

[e-learning – Press] PC Market eKids 6th April, 2020 "另類Zoom 談直播軟件選購和課堂編排"

較早前有教師、副校長分享學界使用的 Zoom 直播心得。其實直播互動課堂軟件種類很多, Zoom 之外,著名尚有 Cisco WebEx 、 Google Hangouts Meet 和 Microsoft Teams 。今期邀請學資深 IT 人,向大家分享他的選擇策略,以及為校內所有教師編排工作坊的經歷,更重要的是看看eLearning應如何規劃。
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